Windows 10: How to take screenshots and save it automatically on your PC

The quickest way in taking screenshots on your PC and save it automatically

Imagine yourself attending an online meeting and want to save the slides right away without the need to crop it.  One of the dilemmas we're having in the new normal is slow internet and lags. And since  virtual meetings and online learning are now part of of this new norm, we usually have to depend on the presentation slides. 

You may have been using Window's Snipping tool or Snip and Sketch, to easily crop a part of screenshot or by pressing the Print Screen and copying it to a word processor or MS Paint then edit it afterwards. 

But now since most of these sessions are now virtual, these are times that you just want to capture the slide or everything on the on the screen, and no time to right down notes but move to the next one so you won't get left behind

This simple trick doesn't require a third party software or app. It'll just require combination of keys to accomplish the quickest way of automatically saving the screenshots you took to your local drive(HDD). 

Take Screenshots and autosave in your Hard drive

To accomplish this, just Hold down the Windows  Key + Print Screen and viola, you just took a screenshot of everything on your screen. The saved screenshot(s) will automatically go to the sub-folder named Screenshots, under Pictures folder. In some keyboard models, like what I'm using now to create this article, if you're seeing the Print Screen Key is combined and sits with another function key, then you will need to press hold down Windows  Key+ FN key then press Print Screen. This method can and will capture everything on the screen even if you have a dual monitor setup.  

We only recommend this if you're time constraint so you can easily capture the contents. If time is on your side, then by all means still use the typical screenshot and crop. We hope that you find this trick useful enough when attending meetings, or helping your students and children with their online classes. 

If you're parent and still adjusting to the new normal and online learning, this will definitely come handy.

Care to share other ways of saving screenshots or other quick PC tips and tricks ? Leave a comment a below

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